Welcome to Fourteen Holy Helpers!
Vote on a Name for our Family of Parishes
If you want to vote online but are having difficulty using the QR code, just click on the following link and you may submit your vote. All voting is anonymous … Family 7 Name Vote LINK.
The Chosen Season 4
Refresher on Season 4 starting January 18. If you missed any episodes, here’s your chance to see them.
The fifth season of “The Chosen” will be released on March 27th! If you want a refresher of Season 4, we will be showing all the episodes over the next few months. The showings will be in the hall at 5:45pm. Refreshments are available for purchase.
2/15: episodes 5 & 6
3/08: episodes 7 & 8
Special Thanks to Joy Katilus for organizing the screenings. Joy loved “The Chosen” and wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to see the show. She took the initiative to schedule the screenings, get the DVDs, do the set-up and buy the snacks. Again, thank you Joy, and thanks also to her family who she recruited into helping!
Family #7 Men’s Group
Srodowisko (Polish for environment, borrowed from Pope John Paul II, who had a group of friends in college who called themselves this).
The next Men’s Group Ministry will be held on February 20th from 630pm – 8:00pm, at the 14 Holy Helpers convent
Our subject matter will be strengthening men, strengthening families, community ministry and growing in relationship with Christ.
Men of all faiths are welcome! We are keeping it open to people outside of the Catholic faith although if it ends up being primarily Catholics we’ll shift that direction over time.
Annual Women’s Retreat
“Martha and Mary: Finding Balance in Your Busy Life”
Learn, laugh, and share from the heart as Martha and her sister, Mary, teach us how to respond to the Lord’s invitation to partake in “The Better Portion”, even in the midst of our busy schedules.
Saturday, March 1st
… Mass at 8:30am
… Retreat from 9am-12pm
… Lunch at 12pm
Price: $20 includes lunch … or … $15 without lunch
Please RSVP to the 14 Holy Helpers Rectory (716-674-2374) by 2/26/2025
Hosted by The Sodality of Our Lady
Placzek & Pierogi Sale
The annual Sodality of Our Lady Annual Placek Sale is planned for April 12th & 13th, 2025 in Monsignor Ebner Hall, Mtg. Rm. #1.
… April 12th— 2-3 p.m. pre-sale order pickup
… April 12th— 3-6 p.m.
… April 13th— 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
This year we are adding pierogi to the sale. The Pierogi will be $20 per dozen. You will have a choice of cheese, potato or sauerkraut. The pierogi will be homemade by one of our parishioners! These are the larger ones, not the small ones they sell in stores!
All pierogi will have to be pre-ordered. The last day to order is Thursday, March 20th.
A printable flyer with details on the products and the sale is available at … Place and Pierogi Sale Flyer LINK.
Information and online ordering is available at … Placek and Pierogi Sales LINK.
Lucky Leprechaun Raffle and Pot O’ Gold Potluck
Support those who Support Us
We have been blessed to enjoy the support of our local business community over the past year. They have provided our parish, and the events and services we produce, with money, products, and services donations. Through their generous donations we have been able to generate needed revenue to work toward our mission and serve the local community.
Due to the recent coronavirus health crisis, many businesses have been forced to either temporarily close or operate in a restricted environment. Even those not as directly impacted have had to operate in a new world of social distancing, working environment cleansings, or managing a remote work force. Our supporting businesses stood up to help 14 Holy Helpers when we called … Businesses that Support 14 Holy Helpers LINK. Please consider supporting them with your patronage when you are in need of the goods or services that they provide to the community. Thank them and let them know that 14 Holy Helpers appreciates their support.
On-Line Giving
On-line giving to 14 Holy Helpers is processed through a program managed by Vanco Payment Solutions. Vanco is a large on-line payment processor for faith based organizations and is used by a number of parishes in the Diocese of Buffalo. As a PCI Level 1 compliant service provider they are dedicated to protecting the security and privacy of our donors.
Making your payments on-line is easy. You can access our on-line system by clicking the blue Offering button found in the right hand column of our Home Page (see button below). You have the option to set up a donor profile to save your information for multiple donations … or make a one time donation without setting up a profile. Donations can be made via credit card or ACH withdrawal from a checking or savings account.
The system is available now. Call the Parish Business Administrator, Kate Wypij, at the Rectory (716) 674-2374 with any questions.
Parish Pictorials
We have started to collect the history of our parish life through photographs. If you have any pictures that you would like to share with us please contact our Webteam. Our current collection can be seen at the following link … 14 HH Pictorial.
Parish E-Mail List Sign up for the Parish Email List. Through our emails you’ll get information and reminders about parish news and life delivered right to your in-box. You can subscribe at the following link … Subscribe