Need a Priest?

If you find yourself in a situation where you need a priest, whether it is to talk to, ask a question, receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or Reconciliation, please call the Rectory (716-674-2374). We will contact the priests in our family and pass along the message.

If you or someone you know needs the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. We will contact one of our retired priests or one from our Family to perform the Sacrament. If you need a hospital visit, we will contact either the Chaplain of the Hospital or one of our family priests or a retired priest to visit you or your loved one.

You can also call one of the other rectories directly. This would be the best option if you need a priest outside of normal business hours and cannot wait for the next business day.

Here is the contact information for the other rectories in our family where our priests reside.

Queen of Heaven 716-674-3468
Fr. Greg Faulhaber
Fr. Ryan Keating

St. John XXIII 716-823-1090
Fr. John Stanton

St. John Vianney 716-674-9133
Fr. Mark Itua

St. Gabriel’s 716-668-4017
Fr. Walter Grabowski