Below is important information about some of our Parish Policies and Processes.
Arrangements should be made a least six months in advance, and these should be made before other wedding date commitments. Engaged couples must attend a Marriage Preparation Program.
Religious Instructions
Contact the Religious Education office at (716)674-2180 for information.
Are offered the third Sunday of the month or by special arrangement. Parental attendance at the Pre-Baptism program is necessary. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. Godparents: Non-parishioners need a letter of recommendation from their parish to serve as sponsors. Parishioners requesting to be sponsors are asked to contact the pastor.
Letters of Recommendation
Recommendations to act as a sponsor for the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation can be issued only to registered members of Fourteen Holy Helpers Parish who have been confirmed, attend Mass and receive Communion regularly, have their children attending a Catholic School or Religious Education Classes (Grades 1-11), and are in a marriage blessed by the Church. Please call the rectory during business hours to request your letter.
Anointing of Sick and Communion Calls
Anyone wishing to receive the Sacrament of the Sick may call the rectory at anytime. Regular home Communion Visits for the homebound are held at the beginning of each month by Priest, Deacon or Special Ministers of the Sick. Upon request, other arrangements can be made. Please inform us when a member of the family enters the hospital.