2025 Placek and Pierogi Sale

This Easter Season, The Sodality of Our Lady is happy to offer our usual Buttermilk PLACEKS. The pricing for all our baked good items remains the same as last year. If you are only ordering placeks then your order must be placed by 9am, Monday, April 7th.

Additionally, after many requests, you may pre-order three flavors of PIEROGI — farmer’s cheese, potato and/or sauerkraut. Each one dozen pierogi cost $20 which will be delivered frozen and must be pre-ordered by March 20th so that our master maker— Michael E. Katilus, Deacon Mike’ Dad is able to complete all orders in a timely manner.

If you are paying by check, make checks payable to “14HH-Sodality” and write – Placek/Pierogi in the memo section. Place the check in an envelope labeled Ginny-Placek/Pierogi note DUE dates above and submit via:

  • The Church Rectory: (a) M-W 9AM-4PM, Th9AM-2PM; (b) any time, by dropping your envelope into the se-cured mail slot located to the right of the Rectory entrance door; or (c) by mailing the envelope to the above address (by mailing the envelope to the above address (allowing 5 days to ensure USPS timely delivery.
  • The weekly mass collection basket. Just drop your envelop in the basket.

Pre-orders are filled in the order that they are received and may be picked up between 2-3 p.m. on 04/12/25 as a special, early pick-up time.

Please note we will have a limited number of yeast placeks and flavored breads for purchase at the Hall which are available on a first come first come first serve basis. Purchase raffle chances for Easter items or Share–of-the-Wealth Tickets when you pick up your baked goods, you’ll also have an opportunity to purchase additional Easter decorations.
If you have any questions regarding this form or your order, contact Ginny at drvsstolarsk@gmail.com or 716.512.3221.

PLEASE NOTE: Pierogi will only be available through pre-orders only. No pierogi will be sold on the dates of the sale.

Click on your selection below to add the product to your online order: