Placek – buttermilk


Easter Placeks are a traditional baking specialty.  They are a sweet cake like bread loaf baked with a sugary crumble topping.  While some people bake raisins in their placeks, our placeks do not include them.  This variety uses buttermilk in the leavening process which helps balance the sweetness of the loaf.

Our buttermilk placeks come in 2 sizes:

Large …… $11

Medium … $9

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Purchase Information

  1. Place your online order by 8 PM, March 29 so that we have time to prepare it for pick-up that weekend.
  2. A limited number of each size will be produced so please order early to have the best chance at getting your selection.
  3. Payment for any check orders must be received before March 30.  If payment is not received by that date then we may not be able to save the placeks for you.

Additional information

Buttermilk Placek sizes

Large, Medium