Deaf Ministry at 14 Holy Helpers

Fr. Jerry Skrzynski has been appointed as the Director of the Deaf Ministry for the Diocese of Buffalo. Due to health issues Sr. Conchetta is no longer able to take on this role. Fr. Jerry is continuing to study with Sr. Conchetta to further his proficiency in sign language.
Fr. Jerry recently became the pastor of Family #6 which includes Immaculate Conception Parish, East Aurora; Church of the Annunciation Parish, Elma; St. Joseph Parish, Holland; St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Springbrook; and St. George Parish, West Falls. Even though Fr. Jerry is not part of our family, there are no plans to move the Deaf Community from Fourteen Holy Helpers. We will continue to have Fr. Conrad celebrate our 10:30am Mass when he is able to and hope to have Fr. Jerry celebrate Mass with us also.
If a need arises for an interpreter, please call the rectory at 716-674-2374 or email We will partner with Fr. Jerry and Sr. Conchetta to supply an interpreter.
Beth Daley will continue to serve as interpreter at the majority of our Masses. On the rare instance that she is not available we will try to get an interpreter from Deaf Access Services.
If you or someone you know would like to learn sign language, we will be offering classes again in the Fall. Classes will be held on Monday nights in the Hall. Classes start on September 11th and continue for 10 weeks. The cost for the classes is $50 for parishioners of 14 Holy Helpers and $60 for non-parishioners. Please call the Rectory to sign up or for more information.
More information is available on this site … Buffalo Catholic Deaf Ministry LINK.
Mary … I will reach out to our Rectory to see if they have any materials that they can offer to you and your group. In the meantime, I did an internet search and found this reference that may be helpful. It is a pdf file on the Duquense University site that presents a novena to the Holy Spirit …
Do you have any booklets of the Novena to the Holy Spirit. I found an old booklet printed in 1981. I would like to purchase 12 for my prayer group.