Mass Book

The Parish Mass Book is open.  Please remember, case because of the high demand of masses requested, combined with the high number of funerals we’ve had in the past year, plus the limited number of masses available every week(10), we must implement the following policy:

1.  You may request up to three (3) masses with ONE of them on a weekend.

2.  The office will be open to receive your request from 9:00 a.m. until Noon on Tuesday thru Friday. We are unable to take requests on weekends or over the phone. Payment must be made at the time of the request. You may also mail your request in. Please include your phone number in case there are questions.

3.  There is a limit of two names per mass request. Wedding Anniversary masses will be scheduled for the 25th and 50th and higher anniversaries only.

4.  Masses may have to be re-scheduled at the discretion of the office (e.g. if there are two masses for the same person during one week).


Thank you for your cooperation.