Litany in Honor of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity

The Litany in Honor of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity can be read by itself as a devotion to the Holy Spirit. 14 Holy Helpers Parish has also reads this Litany along with the Novena to the Holy Spirit as a special Nine Day Devotion ending just before Pentecost Sunday.

Litany in Honor of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity


God, the Eternal Father, bless me, I adore You.
God, the Eternal Son, bless me, I adore You.
God, the Eternal Spirit, bless me, I adore You.
Teach me to live for the glory of the Eternal Trinity alone.
Blessed Mother Mary, Virgin Spouse of the Holy Ghost, intercede for me that I may obtain through your intercession the graces I desire through this litany which I offer to Your Divine Spouse by your Immaculate Heart.
Holy Spirit, Who created me, I thank You.
Holy Spirit, Who redeemed me, I thank You. Holy Spirit, Who sanctified me, I thank You.

(After each, say I Adore You).
Holy Spirit of God,
Holy Spirit, without Whom the Father and the Son do nothing in heaven or on earth,
Holy Spirit, Who in the beginning moved over the waters, Holy Spirit, Who made Mary Immaculate,
Holy Spirit, by Whom the Mystery of the Incarnation was accomplished,
Holy Spirit, Source of all holiness,
Holy Spirit, Who made me a child of God,
Holy Spirit, Who made me a soldier of God,
Holy Spirit, Who wishes to make me a saint of God,
Holy Spirit, Source of my every good thought,
Holy Spirit, Inspirer of my every good word,
Holy Spirit, spring of my every good action,
Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the Bosom of the Father,
Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the Bosom of Jesus,
Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the Heart of Mary,
Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the Church,
Holy Spirit, Who dwells in the souls of the faithful,
Holy Spirit, Who dwells in my unworthy heart, Holy Spirit, Who has been so patient with me,
Holy Spirit, Who has been so forgiving to me, Holy Spirit, Who has inspired my contrition,
Holy Spirit, Who has inspired my resolutions,
Holy Spirit, Light of my mind,
Holy Spirit, strength of my will,
Holy Spirit, Sweetness of my heart,
Holy Spirit, Divine Guardian of my virtue,
Holy Spirit, my Beginning,
Holy Spirit, my Last End,
Holy Spirit, without Whom I can do nothing,
Holy Spirit, without Whom I desire to do nothing,
Holy Spirit, Who leads me to Jesus,
Holy Spirit, Who brings the Father and Jesus to me, Holy Spirit, my God and my all,
Holy Spirit, Who has set a seal on my soul,
Holy Spirit, Who protects me at this moment,
Holy Spirit, Who watches over me whether I wake or sleep, Holy Spirit, Who keeps my soul in life,
Holy Spirit, Who will claim my soul in death,
Holy Spirit, my Eternal Love, I love You.
Holy Spirit, my Eternal Love, I thank You.
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, pour down Your Spirit upon us, 0 Lord. (Three times)

Pray for us, sweet Spouse of the Holy Ghost, that we may be more worthy of His indwelling.

O sweet Holy Spirit, Who dwells as the Bond of Love in the Adorable unity of the Eternal Trinity, dwell evermore in our souls. Grant that we may never more grieve You, but be ever docile to Your inspirations. In the unutterable condescension of Your Love, fulfill the desire of our Sweet Jesus that we should be one in Him as He is in His Father, You Who lives and reigns with Them, One Eternal Lord and God, World without end, Amen.