Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Troop 410 is in search of boys ages 11-17 who are interested in fun and adventure!  Scouting offers a diverse program which can include activities like weekend camping, canoeing, hiking & backpacking adventures, learning first aid, and educational activities. While participating in these activities, your child will have the opportunity to make new long lasting friendships with the other scouts in troop. Troop #410 meets Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM in the 14 Holy Helpers Parish Hall. Please contact Troop leader Tim Aguglia at 675-0779 or for information about Boy Scout Troop #410.

Scout Camping Weekend
Boy Scouts Respect our FlagThe Scouts and leaders of Boy Scout Troop #410 spent an amazing weekend of friendship and fellowship at Camp Schoellkopf from December 14-16, 2018.  As the Scouts have been working together on American Heritage Merit Badge, this photo displays an aged American Flag, along with Scouts of Troop #410 in preparation for the Flag retirement ceremony which took place around the campfire.  The Scouts were able to spend the entire weekend outdoors, identifying signs of wildlife, hiking the expansive grounds of the camp, cooking over an open fire, enjoying the warmth of a huge bonfire, and spending time together as they work through the ranks of the Scouting program.  The Scouts have been very busy this Scouting year, with recent trips to the new West Seneca Public Library and to the West Seneca Historical Society.  Upcoming events include the Klondike Derby, the First Aid Rally, Scout Sunday, as well as much more camping, outings, and adventures.

Civil War Re-Enactment
Troop 410 with Abe LincolnThe Boy Scouts and Leaders of Troop #410 are pictured with Abraham Lincoln, following his presentation of the Gettysburg Address, at the Civil War Reenactment in Historic Angelica, NY. The Scouts observed several skirmish reenactments over the course of the weekend, representing the first day of the Battle of Gettysburg from the date of July 1, 1863. As the Scouts of Troop #410 toured the living history stations, they learned about medicine and surgery of the day, interacted with period blacksmiths, postal carriers, and learned the history of the underground railroad through song and story telling. The Scouts were assigned to be a part of the Confederacy, and participated in a mock battle of their own, using imitation muskets under the direction of Confederate generals. Being a part of this experience gave the Scouts of Troop #410 valuable insight into historic Civil War life and times.